Installation services
and charges
Take all the fuss and time out of installing your clothesline, letterbox or Vuly play equipment. Take advantage of our installation service.
Austwest installers are experienced and reliable. Their work is guaranteed for 12 months and they can work with you to get the best outcome for your needs. Normally we can get your job done usually within 2-5 working days..
Our service area is highlighted in the map below. We can also quote jobs involving multiple installations outside of the Perth metropolitan area on request.
Our Installation prices include delivery, all materials and a 12 month guarantee. For repairs please call us for advice and a quote.
Install Folding Rotary - $160
Re-stringing Folding Rotary - $160 + $50 for premium polycord
Install Galvanised Rotary - $240
Re-wire Galvanised Rotary - $160 + $70 for wire
Folding frames
Install wall mount - $160
Install ground mount - $190
Re-stringing - $160 + $40 for premium polycord
Install wall to wall - $160
Install wall to post - $190
Install post to wall - $190
Install post to post - $190
Call out charge for repairs - $160 plus cost of parts
Removal of old clothesline - $55 (rotaries are commonly cut off at ground level and the edge smoothed out). We take your old clothesline away for recycling.
Removal of concrete - $145 (charge for digging out any concrete left in the ground after the removal of a ground mount or old rotary if desired)
Install post and pillar letterboxes - Starting from $160
Vuly trampolines installation and delivery - Calculate in shopping cart depending on model
Vuly swing and playsets - Installation and delivery - ask for a quote