The Austral Retract Away 50 is a discreet retractable clothes line suitable for use in many different areas. It is a great solution for carports, garages, balconies, laundries or long narrow areas. The Austral RetractAway clothesline may be mounted in four different configurations; Wall to Wall, Wall to Post, Post to Wall and Post to Post. Australian made. 10 year warranty. Normally in stock.
Cabinet size - 800mm x 125mm
No of lines - 5 (extending to 10 metres)
Austral Retractaway 50 Plus
When we contact you to arrange an installation time, let us know if you would like to take advantage of any of the following services:
Removal of old clothesline ($55)
Removal of concrete (eg. old rotary clotheslines and ground mount bulbs beneath the surface) ($145)
Ground mount plates for ground mounts to be set on concrete/pavers (eg. Austral $190)
Installation includes FREE width modification (folding frames only) if required. Note depth cannot be modified.